Showing posts with label Waveform. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Waveform. Show all posts

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Voltage and current waveform of various type of loads- Simulations

In this post, I have plotted volatage and current wavefrom under various loads such as resistive, capacitive, inductive and thier combination under sinusoidal input through simulation softwares.

1. With Resistive Load- RESISTOR 10 ohm

2. With Inductive load- 10mH

3. Capacitive load- 10 mF (10 mili Farad)

4. With Resistive and Capacitive ( RC ) Load R- 10ohm & C- 10 mF 

5. With Resistive and Capacitive ( RC ) Load R- 10ohm & C- 1mF 

Comparison with C= 10mF & 1 mF

6. With Resistive and Inductive ( RL ) Load R- 10ohm & L- 10mH

7. With Resistive and Inductive ( RL ) Load R- 10ohm & L- 1mH

Comparison between with 10 mH & 1 mH

8. With Resistive, Capacitive and Inductive ( RL ) Load R- 10ohm, C- 10mF & L- 1mH

There are many simulation software such as Multisim, Matlab, proteus available for simulation trial version may be downloaded for beginning. It will help you in understand the theory in good way.

Comparison between Semiconductor- Metal junction and Semiconductor- Liquid Electrolyte junction- Dye sensitized solar cell

Comparison between Semiconductor-Metal junction and Semiconductor-Liquid Electrolyte junction.   Semiconductor-Liquid Electrolyte junction. ...